Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week of January 31,2011

"If you can give your son or daughter only one gift,
let it be enthusiasm." Bruce Barton

Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday January 30th
and ends Saturday February 5th.

Open House

There is an Open House for parents on Monday,
January 31st from 8:30 AM -11:30 AM.
Parents are welcome to come and visit their
child's classroom to observe the everyday
teaching and learning.
Parents are requested not to interrupt the
teacher during Open House.

Report Card Day

Report Cards will be distributed
on Wednesday February 2, 2011.

8:30 AM - Kindergarten and First Grade
9:00 AM - Grades 2-4
9:30 AM- Grades 5-8
Parents are welcome to the assemblies

Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon.

Parent Teacher Conferences will
be held from 2:00 PM - 7:00PM.
Parents are reminded that tuition must be
up to date for their child to receive their report card.

Monday - Open House 8:30 AM-11:30 AM
Picture Money envelopes due to tuition office today.

Tuesday- Individual Picture Day.
Students may wear dress clothes
if they are having their picture taken.
Dress clothes mean -
boys:dress slacks, dress shirt
girls: dress, shirt and blouse.
No jeans or boots.
Picture money envelopes are due to the
tuition office by Monday, January 31st.

Wednesday- dismissal at 12:00 noon
Report Card Day- see note above.

Thursday- Feast of St. Blaise
Mass at 9:00 AM led by the
students of the 4th grade.
All students will have their throats
blessed at this Mass.

Class Picture Day - all students are to
be in school uniform.

Friday - Dismissal at 3:00 PM
Word Wall Test

Sunday -
Confirmation Class 12:00 noon
Mass for all students 1:00 PM