Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prayer for Mothers Everywhere

In Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe...
We give thanks for mothers everywhere.

When times are hard, in situations of suffering...
We give thanks for the sacrifices they make each
day for their children.

For their examples of love, caring, and hope...
We gibe thanks for their generosity, their compassion
and their hope for the future.

In the Congo, Iraq, Uganda, Palestine, Columbia...
We remember mothers in global community who care
for their children as guns of war are heard.

In Zimbabwe, India, Guyana, Belize, Botswana...
We remember mothers as sicknesses such as AIDS and
malaria ravage their lands.

In Haiti, Burundi,Eritrea, Cambodia, Guatemala...
We remember mothers whose access to food and
water is scarce.

In Sudan, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Afghanistan...
We remember mothers who bundled up their children,
fled their homes, and became refugees.

Mary, Mother of God, embrace all mothers, give them
strength and courage to heal the wounds of their
children and of the world. We give thanks for
mothers everywhere. Amen

SMART Tuition Company-NEW for September 2012
Next year, September 2012, a new tuition company
will be employed for collecting tuition, fees etc.
This company will be collecting tuition from all
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese. A letter
is on the front page of the April Calendar explaining
this change and more information will be coming
in the next few months. Please pick up a form
from either Mrs. Resto or Alba in the school office.

Summer School PreK Program
Parents interested in enrolling their
child in the summer PreK Program should let
Mrs. Resto know before May 1st.
Flyers will be sent home this week.

Scholarships for available for new students from
public schools who want to attend Catholic School.
They are available only for students in grades
Kindergarten through grade 7.
The income guidelines are:
2 family household - $39,717.00
3 family household - $50,031.00
4 family household - $ 60,345.00

If you know someone who would be eligible for
the scholarship please have them call Alba in the
school office. At present we have only 5 scholarships
and the child must be registered before the
scholarship will be offered.

Monday - May 7th
Uniform Company will be here at 1:00 PM in science room
on the third floor.

Tuesday - May 8th
National Teacher's Day

Wednesday - May 9th Feast of St. Pachomius
NYSESLAT Listening will be administered
to students in K-8

Thursday May 10th - Feast of St. Damien of Molokai
NYSESLAT Reading will be administered to students
in grades K-8.

Friday - May 11th
Progress Reports will be sent home

Sunday - May 13th Mother's Day
Mother's Day plant sale to raise money for the school greenhouse.
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students
No Classes.