Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week of June 11, 2012 Announcements

Prayer for Fathers

For those who have fathered us into birth,
for those we call "father" who have shown us the face
of our Father in heaven,
for expectant fathers and those whose arms ache to
cradle their own,
for fathers who have borne the pain of losing a child,
for fathers who have laid down their life for their children:
May the one who is Father and Lord of all be their
guide and their peace.

For all fathers, living or dead,
those nearby or those distanced by miles,
disease or division:
May they all be embraced and strengthened
by the loving arms of God, the Father
of us all.

SMART Tuition Company-NEW for September 2012
Next year, September 2012, a new tuition company
will be employed for collecting tuition, fees etc.
This company will be collecting tuition from all
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese. A letter
is on the front page of the April Calendar explaining
this change and more information will be coming
in the next few months. Please pick up a form
from either Mrs. Resto or Alba in the school office.
The form should be returned to the school office.

Monday- June 11th
End of Year Exam in ELA Grades 1-8

Tuesday- June 12th
End of Year Exam in Social Studies Grades 1-8
RING DAY - Grade 8 at 11:00 AM in Church
Parents Welcome to attend.

Wednesday - June 13th Feast of St. Anthony of Padua
PreK-1 Graduation at 11:00 AM
End of Year Exam in Mathematics Grades 1-8

Thursday- June 14th Flag Day
PreK-2 Graduation at 11:00 AM
End of Year Exam in Reading Grades 1-8


Sunday - Father's Day