Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Letter from Dr. Timothy McNiff, Superintendent of Schools

November 4, 2013

1011 First Avenue,
New York, New York 10022
Phone: (212) 371-1000 Fax: (212) 758-3018

Dear Parents,

November 8, 2013 will be our Fourth Annual Data Day. This is an important date in our academic calendar when teachers and schools administrators meet for a full day of student data analysis. This review and analysis results in action plans and the development of modified and improved approaches to instruction to meet assessed student needs.

In the past, our teachers analyzed ITBS results on Data Day. For the 2013-14 school year, we discontinued ITBS testing in favor of the implementation of a diagnostic tool that better reflects and supports our new curriculum. Interim Assessments are better indicators of student growth (three ELA and three Math will be administered for grades 3-8 during the 2013-14 school year). The makeup of the assessments, i.e. the phrasing of questions and curriculum topics addressed, coupled with the frequency of delivery of these assessments, provides teachers with more opportunities to enhance instruction based on student results.

As stated in my September 3rd letter, the new State tests designed to assess student performances with this new curriculum is challenging. The decision to administer Interim Assessments was a direct response to those State assessments. Interim Assessments are a diagnostic tool that will familiarize students with the types of questions they will see on the state exams in the spring and will also support and inform instruction for teachers. Interim Assessments are not and should not be viewed as a ''test." It is not to be factored into the students' report cards and will not be made accessible to the public (i.e. city/state reporting).

Our new learning standards are rigorous and hold students accountable for college and career readiness. They focus on literacy, active problem solving, and 21st century skills necessary for success in life. We will continue to provide the resources and tools necessary to ensure your child achieves under these new challenges. Please know that the Interim Assessments are one of many ways we are responding to the demands of our new curriculum.

I hope you have a better understanding of Data Day 2013. Please contact your principal should you have any further questions.


Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools