Sunday, March 30, 2014
Week of March 31, 2014 Announcements
New York State ELA Test Grades 3-8
This week begins the testing for all students in grades 3-8 on the New York State ELA test based on the new Common Core Standards. Mr. Woods in talking to the students on Friday reminded them that the New York State Tests are one measure of student success --it is not the definitive measure. All students at OLQM are academically reviewed based on multiple measurements of student's work in class, student's work on weekly tests, unit tests, mid-terms, homework etc. etc. No child should be pressured into thinking that ONE test determines their academic success. Parents are reminded that their children have worked with their classroom teachers and coaches all year and hopefully will do their very best. Parents are requested to make sure their child goes to bed early, gets breakfast in the morning and encourage them to do well on the tests.The media hysteria can only cease if parents encourage their child to do their very best and they are fine with whatever success they achieve.
Tuition Suspension Day - Monday April 7, 2014
As mentioned previously there is a tuition suspension day on Monday April 7th.
Letters will be sent home on Wednesday regarding tuition owed the school. All parents who owe a balance are REQUIRED to meet with Mr. Woods on Saturday or Sunday regarding the outstanding balance. The Regional Board of Directors is requiring Mr. Woods to submit a report on parent meetings.
Easter Homework - Mathematics Grades 3-8
Mr. Woods spoke to students last Friday also about the fact that for the first time they would be given homework during vacation time. It will be packet of materials to have students practice their Mathematical skills during the break. It is suggested that is done periodically done over the break - not crammed into the Sunday before school starts or done all on one day.
The New York Mathematics test will be administered On April 30th, May 1st and May 2nd.
Report Card Day - Thursday April 10, 2014
Report Card Day is fast approaching. Parent teacher conferences will be held from 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Monday March 31, 2014
Pencil Sharpening Day - students in grades 3-8 should bring in 2 or 3 sharpened pencils for the NYS tests that begin April 1, 2014.
Tuesday April 1, 2014
New York State Test in ELA (English Language Arts) Grades 3-8
A modified April calendar will be sent home with students today.
Wednesday April 2, 2014
New York State Test in ELA grades 3-8
Mathematics coach will work with students in grades 4, 6 and 8
Tuition Suspension Letters will be sent home today.
Thursday April 3, 2014
New York State ELA Test Grades 3-8
Project LEAP will work with students in grades 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8
Friday April 4, 2014
Stations of the Cross 11:30 AM - Parents welcome to attend.
Saturday April 5, 2014
Tuition Meetings with Mr. Woods 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Sunday - April 6, 2014
No Classes
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students in sacramental program
Tuition Meetings 10:00 AM -12:00 noon or 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Week of March 24, 2014 Announcements
Museum of the City of New York History Day Fair Winners
We are happy to announce that Sheily Rivera (6th grade) and Arelisse Munoz (7th grade) were winners at the Museum of the City of New York History Day Fair Contest in the category of Exhibitions.
Their achievement is a testimony to the hard work of their teachers especially Mrs. Ramsey who coordinated their work.
New Student Registration March 29 and March 30th
Registration for new students will be held on
Saturday March 29th from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM
Sunday March 30th from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM
Parents who know someone interested in enrolling their child at OLQM should let them know the dates of registration.
This is especially important for students entering PreK, Kindergarten and grade one.
OLQM School and Keeping All Things New
Many parents are hearing incorrect information regarding the Archdiocese's program entitled Keeping All Things New.
The program like regionalization that consolidated schools last year plans to consolidate church buildings this year beginning in June of 2014.
The Superintendent of Schools office announced last week that Cardinal Dolan has announced that any Church that closes will not effect the stability of the school.
School buildings will remain open if Church buildings are consolidated and no schools will be closed.
Parents are requested to inform people that say schools will close should be instructed them to call the Superintendent of Schools office at 212-371-1000 to verify that no Catholic Schools will close this year.
Homework - Week of March 23rd
In order to prepare students in grades 3 to 8 for the upcoming
NYS ELA tests students will be given reading/writing assignments in most areas.
Parents are urged to help their child prepare for the ELA tests by checking that their child is completely their homework assignments and if possible check www.engageny for resources to help their child.
The NYS ELA (English Language Arts) tests will be administered April 1st, April 2nd and April 3rd.
Book Fair Week
The Spring (yes, I wrote Spring) Book Fair is being held this week on the first floor of the school. The Book Fair assists the PreK classes to raise money for their June graduation ceremony and parent reception. Parents are urged to visit the Book Fair before leaving the school in the morning.
Monday March 24, 2014
Book Fair Week
Pennies for Patients talk to students in grades 1-4 9:00 AM and Grades 5-8 at 9:30 AM. Parents Welcome to attend.
Pennies for Patients gets rid of those unwanted coins at home and uses the money to assist children with Leukemia.
It is also an example of alms giving that should be done during the season of Lent.
Tuesday March 25, 2014 - Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord
Book Fair
Reading coach will work with students in preparation for the NYS ELA test.
Gym Classes ---Kindergarten, Grades 2, 4, 5, and 8
Wednesday March 26, 2014
Book Fair
Reading and Math Coaches will be working with students today.
Gym Classes Grades one, 3, 5, 6, and 7.
Thursday March 27, 2014
Book Fair
Sacrament of Reconciliation 11:00 AM
Gym Classes - Grades PreK-2, Grades 2, 3, 7 and 8
Reading Coach will work with students today
LEAP Program for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 7 & 8
Friday March 28, 2014
Book Fair Week
Stations of the Cross - 11:00 AM - Parents Welcome
Saturday - March 29, 2014
Registration for new students 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Mr. Woods will be in the school office for parents who would like to see him.
Sunday - March 30, 2014
Registration for New students 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
No Classes today.
Mass at 1:00 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
From the Desk of the Superintendent of Schools:
Information About Common Core for Parents Fact Sheet #2
1. Is student data being shared with inBloom?
(inBloom is an electronic portal that is being used bypublic schools to store student data)
No. The Archdiocese of New York requested and received a clarification memo from the Executive Director of the New York State Education Department's Data Systems and Educational Technology Bureau stating that test data the State will store in a data warehouse known as inBloom will not have access to any test data for our Catholic school students in the Archdiocese of New York.
2. Is Catholic identity being maintained and fostered in our schools?
Yes. Common Core is not a curriculum; rather, it is a set of grade level proficiency standards. And, our Catholic school teachers continue to make decisions regarding what resources they will use to ensure students meet these standards. As an added measure, the Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII) was created to provide resources for teachers to use which infuse Catholic teachings and values into classroom instruction. These resources are available at .
3. Has the timing for implementing the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) changed?
Yes. The New York State Board of Regents recently decided to adjust the implementation schedule for the CCLS and related assessments . Delays made to the implementation schedule include:
(1) High schools will be given more time to meet Common Core standards. The first class to face the higher requirements to pass Common Core-based Regents exams will be the class of 2022.
(2) As a follow-up to the previous statement, the new Level 2 on the grades 3-8 ELA and Math tests will correspond to present-day requirements for being on track for Regents exam passing for graduation.
(3) Consideration of computer-based testing will be delayed to the 2015-16 school year.
With these changes, the New York State Board of Regents reaffirmed its overall commitment to the Common Core.
4. Are the archdiocesan "interim assessments" tests? Are they factored into student report cards?
No. The archdiocesan interim assessments are a tool to help teachers evaluate their students' mastery of specific skills, and, in turn, inform instruction. The results of interim assessments provide teachers with an up-to-date "snapshot" of the progress of their class at a certain point in time. They are not tests and results of interim assessments are not included in student report cards.
Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Del Superintendente de Escuelas:
Hoja informativa #2
Informaci6n a los padres sobre los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes
1. ;,Se estan compartiendo con inBloom los datos de los alumnos?
(inBloom es un portal electr6nico que estan utilizando las escuelas publicas para almacenar datos de los alumnos) No. La Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York recibi6, a su solicitud, una nota aclaratoria de parte Director Ejecutivo de la Oficina de Sistemas de Datos y Tecnologia Educativa del Departamento de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York en la cual se informa que en el almacen de datos conocido como inBloom, donde el estado almacenani datos de pruebas, no habra acceso a los datos de pruebas correspondientes a los alumnos de las escuelas cat6licas de la Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York.
2. ;,Se esta manteniendo y fomentando la identidad cat61ica en nuestras escuelas?
Si. Los estandares de aprendizqje basico comunes no son un curriculo, sino mas bien, un conjunto de estandares de destreza en el nivel de grado correspondiente. Ademas, los maestros de nuestras escuelas cat6licas continuan tomando decisiones respecto de los recursos que utilizaran para garantizar que los alumnos alcancen estos estandares. Como medida adicional, se ha creado la Iniciativa de Identidad Cat6lica de los Estandares de Aprendizaje Basico Comunes ( CCCII, por sus siglas en ingles). Esta iniciativa tiene por objeto brindarles a los maestros recursos especificos a los cuales recurrir para incluir ensefianzas y valores cat6licos en sus clases. Estos recursos estan disponibles en .
3. ;,Se ban modificado los tiempos previstos para la implementaci6n de los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes (CCLS, por sus siglas en ingles)?
Si. Los miembros del Consejo Directivo de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York han decidido recientemente ajustar el programa de implementaci6n de los CCLS y las evaluaciones relacionadas con estos. Las modificaciones en el programa de implementaci6n incluyen lo siguiente:
(l) A las escuelas secundarias se les dara mas tiempo para alcanzar los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes. La primera promoci6n que debera enfrentar las mayores exigencias para aprobar los examenes Regents basados en estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes sera la del afio 2022.
(2) Siguiendo con lo arriba expuesto, el nuevo Nivel 2 en las pruebas de Artes del Lenguaje (ELA, por sus siglas en ingles) y Matematicas de los grados 3-8 se ajustara a los requisitos actuates de modo que los alumnos puedan estar bien encaminados para aprobar los examenes Regents de graduaci6n.
(3) La consideraci6n del tema de evaluaciones por computadora se pospondra hasta el afio escolar 2015-16.
Con estos cambios, el Consejo Directivo de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York reafirm6 su pleno compromiso con los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes.
4. Las "evaluaciones intermedia" son pruebas? ;,Van al boletin de calificaciones los resultados de las mismas? No. Las evaluaciones intermedias de la Arquidi6cesis son una herramienta para ayudar a los maestros a evaluar la destreza de sus alumnos en habilidades especificas y, a su vez, informan sobre la ensefianza. Los resultados de las evaluaciones intermedias les brindan a los maestros una "foto instantanea" del progreso de su clase en determinado momento. Estas evaluaciones no son pruebas y los resultados de las mismas no se incluyen en el boletin de calificaciones.
Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D. (Doctor en Educaci6n) Superintendente de Escuelas de la Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Information About Common Core for Parents Fact Sheet #2
1. Is student data being shared with inBloom?
(inBloom is an electronic portal that is being used bypublic schools to store student data)
No. The Archdiocese of New York requested and received a clarification memo from the Executive Director of the New York State Education Department's Data Systems and Educational Technology Bureau stating that test data the State will store in a data warehouse known as inBloom will not have access to any test data for our Catholic school students in the Archdiocese of New York.
2. Is Catholic identity being maintained and fostered in our schools?
Yes. Common Core is not a curriculum; rather, it is a set of grade level proficiency standards. And, our Catholic school teachers continue to make decisions regarding what resources they will use to ensure students meet these standards. As an added measure, the Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative (CCCII) was created to provide resources for teachers to use which infuse Catholic teachings and values into classroom instruction. These resources are available at .
3. Has the timing for implementing the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) changed?
Yes. The New York State Board of Regents recently decided to adjust the implementation schedule for the CCLS and related assessments . Delays made to the implementation schedule include:
(1) High schools will be given more time to meet Common Core standards. The first class to face the higher requirements to pass Common Core-based Regents exams will be the class of 2022.
(2) As a follow-up to the previous statement, the new Level 2 on the grades 3-8 ELA and Math tests will correspond to present-day requirements for being on track for Regents exam passing for graduation.
(3) Consideration of computer-based testing will be delayed to the 2015-16 school year.
With these changes, the New York State Board of Regents reaffirmed its overall commitment to the Common Core.
4. Are the archdiocesan "interim assessments" tests? Are they factored into student report cards?
No. The archdiocesan interim assessments are a tool to help teachers evaluate their students' mastery of specific skills, and, in turn, inform instruction. The results of interim assessments provide teachers with an up-to-date "snapshot" of the progress of their class at a certain point in time. They are not tests and results of interim assessments are not included in student report cards.
Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Del Superintendente de Escuelas:
Hoja informativa #2
Informaci6n a los padres sobre los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes
1. ;,Se estan compartiendo con inBloom los datos de los alumnos?
(inBloom es un portal electr6nico que estan utilizando las escuelas publicas para almacenar datos de los alumnos) No. La Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York recibi6, a su solicitud, una nota aclaratoria de parte Director Ejecutivo de la Oficina de Sistemas de Datos y Tecnologia Educativa del Departamento de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York en la cual se informa que en el almacen de datos conocido como inBloom, donde el estado almacenani datos de pruebas, no habra acceso a los datos de pruebas correspondientes a los alumnos de las escuelas cat6licas de la Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York.
2. ;,Se esta manteniendo y fomentando la identidad cat61ica en nuestras escuelas?
Si. Los estandares de aprendizqje basico comunes no son un curriculo, sino mas bien, un conjunto de estandares de destreza en el nivel de grado correspondiente. Ademas, los maestros de nuestras escuelas cat6licas continuan tomando decisiones respecto de los recursos que utilizaran para garantizar que los alumnos alcancen estos estandares. Como medida adicional, se ha creado la Iniciativa de Identidad Cat6lica de los Estandares de Aprendizaje Basico Comunes ( CCCII, por sus siglas en ingles). Esta iniciativa tiene por objeto brindarles a los maestros recursos especificos a los cuales recurrir para incluir ensefianzas y valores cat6licos en sus clases. Estos recursos estan disponibles en .
3. ;,Se ban modificado los tiempos previstos para la implementaci6n de los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes (CCLS, por sus siglas en ingles)?
Si. Los miembros del Consejo Directivo de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York han decidido recientemente ajustar el programa de implementaci6n de los CCLS y las evaluaciones relacionadas con estos. Las modificaciones en el programa de implementaci6n incluyen lo siguiente:
(l) A las escuelas secundarias se les dara mas tiempo para alcanzar los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes. La primera promoci6n que debera enfrentar las mayores exigencias para aprobar los examenes Regents basados en estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes sera la del afio 2022.
(2) Siguiendo con lo arriba expuesto, el nuevo Nivel 2 en las pruebas de Artes del Lenguaje (ELA, por sus siglas en ingles) y Matematicas de los grados 3-8 se ajustara a los requisitos actuates de modo que los alumnos puedan estar bien encaminados para aprobar los examenes Regents de graduaci6n.
(3) La consideraci6n del tema de evaluaciones por computadora se pospondra hasta el afio escolar 2015-16.
Con estos cambios, el Consejo Directivo de Educaci6n del Estado de Nueva York reafirm6 su pleno compromiso con los estandares de aprendizaje basico comunes.
4. Las "evaluaciones intermedia" son pruebas? ;,Van al boletin de calificaciones los resultados de las mismas? No. Las evaluaciones intermedias de la Arquidi6cesis son una herramienta para ayudar a los maestros a evaluar la destreza de sus alumnos en habilidades especificas y, a su vez, informan sobre la ensefianza. Los resultados de las evaluaciones intermedias les brindan a los maestros una "foto instantanea" del progreso de su clase en determinado momento. Estas evaluaciones no son pruebas y los resultados de las mismas no se incluyen en el boletin de calificaciones.
Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D. (Doctor en Educaci6n) Superintendente de Escuelas de la Arquidi6cesis de Nueva York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Tuition Rates for the 2014-2015 School Year
Tuition rates for 2014-2015 were set by the Manhattan Catholic School Regional Board of Directors this past Thursday.
The rates are:
Pre K - $440.00 per month
Kindergarten through 8th grade
1 child - $400.00 per month
2 children - $745.00 per month
3 children - $980.00 per month
4 children - $ 1,040.00 per month
All fees remain the same (Computer Fee, General Fee etc.)
Should you have any questions please see Mr. Woods
E-Rate Eligibility Form
On Monday March 17, 2014 a form will be sent home asking parents for a rough estimate of their income for e-rate filing. E-rate is the program that enables the school to have internet access/wireless access etc. for a minimum amount based on parent income. The lower the income the better the discount for the internet services.
These forms will only be looked at by Mr. Woods so he can do a check off list for the application process which needs to be completed in the next few weeks. It is important that all children return a form.
This form will also aid Mr. Woods in continuing to receive the free breakfast and lunch program.
Meetings with Mr. Woods
A reminder that Mr. Woods meets with parents on Sundays (10:00 AM -11:30 AM) and (2:00 PM - 6:00 PM) and some Saturday evenings as outlined in the Parents Handbook.
In this way the everyday running of the school is not interrupted and the Sunday meetings give more time to sit and discuss any questions or concerns.
Of course in an emergency situation Mr. Woods will meet with a parent after 8:15 AM
Meetings with Teachers
The teachers are covered by a unionized agreement with the Archdiocese of New York. They are required to be in school 15 minutes before school and 20 minutes after school to meet with parents regarding their child's progress. Parents are reminded that at no time will a teacher be pulled from a classroom to meet with a parent UNLESS a suspension of a student hearing is being held in the school office.
Mr. Woods is grateful that teachers are flexible with these union rules and will -when possible- meet with a parent outside these guidelines for an emergency intervention. Again, should parents want to see a teacher the process is that the parent calls the school office to speak to Alba as she keeps a log book of parent meetings with teachers as required by the Board of Directors.
Email to Teachers
Recently, parents have been hitting the link on the school blog and e-mailing teachers with their concerns. As parents who have done have found out teachers have ignored their e-mails or forwarded them to Mr. Woods. As stated in the Parents Handbook all e-mail communication must be sent to Mr. Woods for review ( and he will forward the e-mail to the teacher(s). All e-mails are required to be kept on a separate file for review by the Board of Directors.
ADAPP (Archdiocesan Drug Abuse Prevention Program) -Project LEAP
Students in grades 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 will receive class in bullying and drug prevention through Project LEAP beginning this week. The program will run for 10 weeks and will be once a week for 45 minutes.
Registration for 2014-2015 School Year
Registration for new students will be
Saturday, March 29th and
Sunday, March 30th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
An information flyer will be available on Wednesday listing all the required documents that can be picked up from Alba.
A a reminder Madrinas scholarships are available for NEW students entering PreK and any other grade. The Madrinas is a ONE YEAR, one thousand dollar scholarship. The scholarship also is for students from Mrs. Rodriguez's class who are entering Kindergarten. Mr. Woods sent a letter home last week to all parents in Ms. Rodriguez's room and only ONE person has seen Alba regarding the application process.
Tuition Suspension Day - April 4, 2014
Parents are reminded that the next tuition suspension day is April 4, 2014. The Board of Directors has informed Mr. Woods that no child is to return to class after May 30th if the tuition is not paid in full. Please make sure you make arrangements that all tuition is taken care of by that date.
Mr. Marcial will be informing parents this week that beginning April 1, 2014 children will not be able to stay in the After School Program due to non-payment.
Candy Bars
A new order of Candy Bars has arrived in Mrs. Resto's office for parents who have still not met their fund raising obligation. Please make sure that you see Mrs. Resto regarding your balance.
Monday - March 17, 2014 Feast of St. Patrick Patron of the Archdiocese of New York
Green Day. All students may wear a green shirt, skirt, dress or pants and not wear their uniform. There is no need for a NUT card.
Integrated Learning coach will work with students in grades 1, 3 and 6
Tuesday - March 18, 2014
Map a Month Due
Reading Coach will work with students in grades 3, 6 and 7
Wednesday- March 19, 2014 Feast of St. Joseph
Math Coach will work with students in grades 4, 6 & 8
Thursday - March 20, 2014
ADAPP LEAP Program in Grades 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8
North Manhattan Catholic Schools Science Fair 3:30 PM - 5:00
Friday - March 21, 2014
Dismissal at 11:00 AM - Common Core Workshop for teachers.
Sunday - March 23, 2014
History Fair at Museum of the City of New York
No Classes
Mass at 1:00 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
8th Grade Picture Day
8th grade picture Day is Thursday March 13, 2014.
Madrinas Scholarships
Madrinas Scholarships are available for students in PreK-4 (Ms. Rodriguez's class) who will be entering Kindergarten in September, 2014.
The scholarship is for $1,000.00 towards tuition for ONE year.
1. Student must be re-registered and the SMART tuition company must be paid the Re-Registration fee before the application process may begin.
2. Required Documentation:
Income Tax Documentation for 2013 - income cannot be grater than $45,000.00
If parent is not working then documentation from unemployment etc.
Madrinas Scholarships are also available for new students who will be entering
grades 1-7 and have registered and paid tuition for September, 2014.
If you have questions please see Mr. Woods, Alba, or Michelle Eusebio (mother of Jayden Eddings in first grade)
Tuition - Tuition Suspension Day - April 4, 2014
Mr. Woods was called this week by the regional board business manager regarding the outstanding tuition.
Mr. Woods explained that a number of parents were given extensions until their income tax refunds arrived for payment. The business manager for the board of directors questioned when the next Tuition Suspension Day would occur as the outstanding tuition was interrupting the payment of some of the school bills especially the oil bill for heat. Parents are remind that April 4, 2014 is the next tuition suspension day and that they should strive to pay the tuition on time.
The business manager reminded Mr. Woods that after June 1, 2014 there would be no exceptions made and that if tuition was not paid by then children must remain home until the balance is paid. Since it is March 9th today there is ample time for parents to arrange their finances so that drastic steps will not interrupt their child's education.
The total balance of tuition owed as of today March 9th at 10:34 AM was $169,709.21.
Cornerstone Student Information System (SIS) Logins
Alan will be in the school library on Monday and Tuesday from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM to assist parents with the logins and passwords. This is the last opportunity until April 10th.
Monday - March 10, 2014
Unit IV exams Writing and Reading in the Content Area.
Alan in Library 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Tuesday- March 11, 2014
Unit IV exams Religion & Science
Alan in library 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM regarding Cornerstone Logins
New York State Health Department inspection of immunization records.
Reading coach will be working with students in grades 3, 6 & 7
Wednesday - March 12, 2014
Unit IV Exams in Reading & Social Studies
North Manhattan Catholic School Speech Contest at Incarnation School 9:00 AM
Math Coach will work with students in grades 4, 6 & 8
Thursday - March 13, 2014
Unit IV Exams in ELA and Mathematics
Reading coach will work with students in grades 3, 6 & 7
Friday - March 14, 2014
North Manhattan Catholic Schools Religion Conference Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Sunday - March 16, 2014
Communion Class 12:00 noon
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students
Biology Class 3:00 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Re-Registration Past Due
A reminder that re-registration for the 2014-2015 school year was due Friday, February 28th.
Mrs. Resto will begin calling parents this week regarding Re-Registration.
Registration for New Students 2014-2015
Registration for NEW Students will be:
Saturday, March 29th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday, March 30th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Tuition Rates 2014-2015
The new tuition rates for 2014-2015 will be decided by the regional board of directors on Friday, March 14th.
Once the rates are decided Mr. Woods will post them here on the blog.
Unit IV Exams - Week Of March 10th
Due to the inclement weather Mr. Woods has moved the Unit IV exams to the week of March 10th. This will give teachers and students time to cover all the material outlined by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Unit IV.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be distributed Friday March 7th by the classroom teacher and should be signed and returned as indicated on the signature line on the report. This will ensure that parents are reviewing their child's progress to date. As a reminder the next report card distribution will be April 10, 2014.
Alan will be in the library March 10th and March 11th from 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM to assist parents who are still experiencing difficulty with their Cornerstone passwords.
This will be the last time until April 10th.
Season of Lent- Ash Wednesday March 5, 2014
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption.
Why we receive the ashes
Our foreheads are marked with ashes to humble our hearts and reminds us that life passes away on Earth. We remember this when we are told
"Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."
Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, and they help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice.
The distribution of ashes comes from a ceremony of ages past. Christians who had committed grave faults performed public penance. On Ash Wednesday, the Bishop blessed the hair shirts which they were to wear during the forty days of penance, and sprinkled over them ashes made from the palms from the previous year. Then, while the faithful recited the Seven Penitential Psalms, the penitents were turned out of the church because of their sins -- just as Adam, the first man, was turned out of Paradise because of his disobedience. The penitents did not enter the church again until Maundy Thursday after having won reconciliation by the toil of forty days' penance and sacramental absolution. Later, all Christians, whether public or secret penitents, came to receive ashes out of devotion. In earlier times, the distribution of ashes was followed by a penitential procession.
The Ashes
The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year. The ashes are christened with Holy Water and are scented by exposure to incense. While the ashes symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. His Divine mercy is of utmost importance during the season of Lent, and the Church calls on us to seek that mercy during the entire Lenten season with reflection, prayer and penance.
Lenten Morning and Evening Prayer
The students of the Confirmation Class will come together at 7:30 AM and at 2:30 PM during Lent to recite morning and evening prayer. Parents are welcome to join them.
GYM CLASSES this week
Monday - Kindergarten, Grade 3, 6, 7 and 8
Tuesday - No gym classes Mardi Gras - Hippie Dress Up Day Contest
Wednesday - no gym classes - Ash Wednesday
Thursday - PreK- 2 (Ms. Rodriguez's class; Grades 2, 4 and 6 and 7.
Friday - Regular Schedule - Grade 4 and PreK-1
Monday, March 3, 2014 - Feast of St. Katherine Drexel
March calendars will be sent home with students.
Map A Month will be sent home with students in grades 4-8
Lip Sync Returns
The Lip Sync Contest has returned to OLQM thanks to the tireless work of Ms. Urena. Lip Sync 2014 will be held in the school lunchroom on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM as part of Mardi Gras celebrations before the Season of Lent begins on Wednesday. Tickets are $5.00 at the school office and $8.00 at the door.
Mr. Rick Mangini who coordinated the Lip Sync for many years here at OLQM will be returning as one of the judges.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Feast of St. Casimir
Mardi Gras - Hippie Day
Hippie Day Contest at 10:00 AM in lunchroom - parents welcome.
Wednesday March 5, 2014 - Ash Wednesday
Mass at 11:00 AM led by the first grade - parents welcome.
Yes, it says 11:00 AM!
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence which means that children should not be eating MEAT today.
Thursday - March 6, 2014
Reading Coach will be working with students in grades 2, 3 & 4 today.
Gilder Lehrman workshop for teachers in grades 5 & 7.
Friday- March 7, 2014 - Feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicity
Stations of the Cross at 11:30 AM led by the 6th grade. Parents Welcome
Progress Reports will be sent home today.
Sunday - March 9, 2014 - First Sunday of Lent
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students
No Classes
Museum of the City of New York History Day Fair
Daylight Savings Time Begins - Turn clocks AHEAD ONE hour on Saturday night before going to bed.
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