Saturday, June 22, 2019

Moving Up Ceremonies and Graduation

June 25, 2019 - PreK For All Classes End of Year Ceremony 
 @ 10:00 AM 
Mrs. Gonzalez, Ms. McGarry, Mrs. Serbones' Classes

June 26, 2019 - End of Year Mass @ 10:00 AM 
 8th Grade Graduation 
1:00 PM Dismissal for all students
Report Cards will be distributed before dismissal 

Success Maker -12th Month Summer Program

Dear Parents,
As an ongoing educational incentive the Catholic School Region of Manhattan and  Mr. Tweed, the regional superintendent,  has obtained funding for a summer initiative for all students in grades K-7 to continue the learning that has occurred here at OLQM from September to June.

While it has been our custom to assign books to be read over the summer months -  this new initiative will focus instead on online learning in both Reading and Mathematics.
Students will be given access to  Success Maker an on-line program that we have been piloting in grades 2, 3 and 4 and is similar to Freckle which we have been using the last two years here at OLQM. Students will be expected to do one hour of Reading and one hour of Mathematics per week and will be expected to complete and pass these lessons on Success Maker.

Teaching staff will be available twice a week Tuesdays 9:00 AM -1:00 PM  and Thursdays 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM  to assist students who are experiencing difficulty or do not have access to an electronic device to complete the assignments.  Parents will be called once a week if the assignments have not been completed and reminded that this summer work will count as a student’s first grade in Reading and Mathematics in September.

Should you have any questions that you would like to directly ask me please feel free to see me on Sunday June 23rd from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM or send me an  e-mail at


Recently parents have forgotton that there exists a Parent/Student Handbook that was distributed in 
September 2018. The goverance of the school follows the rules of NYS education law along with policies that have goverened Catholic Schools for many years. Some malcontent parents recently have been vocal with teachers over rules that are basically common sense:

1. If a child is late - that means they have missed part of the school day- see NYS regulations below.

8 CRR-NY 104.1
8 CRR-NY 104.1
104.1 Pupil attendance recordkeeping.
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to:
(1) ensure the maintenance of an adequate record verifying the attendance of all children at instruction in accordance with Education Law section 3205;
(2) establish a practical mechanism for every public and nonpublic elementary, middle and secondary school in the State of New York to account to the parents of all children enrolled in such schools for the whereabouts of such children throughout each school day; and
(3) ensure sufficient pupil attendance at all scheduled periods of actual instruction or supervised study activities to permit such pupils to succeed at meeting the State learning standards.
(b) Definitions.
Whenever used in this section, the following terms shall have the respective meanings hereinafter set forth or indicated:
(1) Pupil. A child enrolled in any public or nonpublic elementary, middle or secondary school.
(2) Register of attendance. Any written or electronic record maintained for the purpose of recording the attendance, absence, tardiness or early departure of a pupil.
(3) Scheduled instruction. Every period that a pupil is scheduled to attend actual instructional or supervised study activities during the course of a school day during the school year from July 1st through June 30th.
(4) Teacher. A member of the teaching or supervisory staff of a public or nonpublic elementary, middle or secondary school.
(5) Employee other than a teacher. A suitable person other than a teacher employed by a public or nonpublic elementary, middle or secondary school in a position appropriate for the maintenance of pupil records.
(c) The record of each pupil's presence, absence, tardiness and early departure shall be kept by each public and nonpublic elementary, middle or secondary school in a register of attendance in a manner consistent with subdivision (d) of this section.
(d) The register of attendance shall set forth at least the following for each pupil:
(1) name;
(2) date of birth;
(3) full names of parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation;
(4) address where the pupil resides;
(5) phone number(s) where the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation may be contacted;
(6) date of the pupil's enrollment;
(7) a record of the pupil's attendance on each day of scheduled instruction. Commencing July 1, 2003, attendance shall be taken and recorded in accordance with the following:
(i) for pupils in non-departmentalized kindergarten through grade eight such pupil's presence or absence shall be recorded after the taking of attendance once per school day, provided that if pupils in such schools are dismissed from school grounds during a lunch period, each such pupil's presence or absence shall also be recorded after the taking of attendance a second time upon the pupil's return from the lunch period each school day;
(ii) for pupils in grades 9 through 12 or in departmentalized schools at any grade level, each such pupil's presence or absence shall be recorded after the taking of attendance in each period of scheduled instruction except that where such pupils do not change classrooms for each period of scheduled instruction attendance shall be taken in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph;
(iii) any absence for a school day or portion thereof shall be recorded as excused or unexcused in accordance with the standards articulated in the comprehensive attendance policy adopted in accordance with subdivision (i) of this section;
(iv) in the event that a pupil at any instructional level from kindergarten through grade12 arrives late for or departs early from scheduled instruction, such tardiness or early departure shall be recorded as excused or unexcused in accordance with the standards articulated in the comprehensive attendance policy;

2. Parents sign an agreement that they will pay tuition on time when they register on TADS every year. Those who are deliquent basically forfeit the rights of their child to attend school -- not Mr. Woods -- the parent does the nasty work by not paying on time and ignoring the letters, reminders, IRIS alerts and payment plans that are meant to assist parents. The tuition management office for the Archdiocese recently sent a reminder to all principals of the following regulations; 

Please remember our tuition policies:
·         Records and report cards cannot be transmitted for students with delinquent tuition payments, and financial aid/scholarships provided will be at risk and may be rescinded.
·         Families with delinquent tuition payments may be ineligible to re-register or apply for financial aid for the following school year.  
·         Students with delinquent tuition payments may not participate in school activities and graduation ceremonies.

3. Probably the clincher was that Mr. Woods is unavailable to meet with!
As parents of students in the sacarmental program can attest Mr. Woods is present on Sundays from 
10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. The open door policy of parents coming to see him during those times is clearly stated in the Parents Handbook on this blog and in IRIS messages on a weekly basis.

Hopefully as we end the year parents who are trying to foster a negative atmosphere will read all publications that pertain to the orderly running of the school beginning with the Parent/Student Handbook and join us as a school community in prayer in the morning instead of gossiping in front of the school building.

Monday June 24, 2019 
Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist  
PreK Summer Program begins with Mrs. Fundora.
Awards Day Ceremony 10:00 AM
Parents invited.

Tuesday June 25, 2019
8th grade students off today to prepare for graduation.
PreK For All end of year ceremony 10:00 AM 
parents welcome.

Wednesday June 26, 2019 
10:00 AM - end of year Mass followed by 8th grade graduation.
1:00 PM - dismissal 
Report Cards and Honors will be distributed before dismissal.