Weekly Calendar
Monday January 9, 2023 - Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Religion Mid-Term Grades 3-8 at 10:00 AM
Tuesday January 10, 2023 - Touring Tuesday
Social Studies Mid Term Grades 6-8
NWEA MAP Testing Grades Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2 - Mathematics 9:00 AM
Wednesday January 11, 2023
Mid-Terms Grades 6-8 ELA
Math Coach- Ms. Painter will work with students and teachers of Grades 2, 6 and 7
ELA Coach - Ms. Sheila will work students and teachers in grades 1, 2, 5 and 8
Thursday January 12, 2023
Mid Term Grades 6-8 Mathematics
NWEA Map Testing Grades Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 - Reading 9:00 AM
Friday January 13, 2023 - Feast of St. Hilary
Early Dismissal Day 12:00 Noon - Faculty Meeting/Rating Day
PreK For All Dismissal at 2:45 PM
Science Mid-Term Grades 6-8 - 8:30 AM
Progress Reports
Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
Distributed Tuesday January 19, 2023
Students in Grade K-8
January 9th - January 26th
January 17th - January 26th
Monday January 9th --Grades 3-8 Religion Tuesday January 10th - Grades 6-8 Social Studies
Wednesday January 11th - Grades 6-8 ELA
Thursday January 12th - Grades 6-8 Mathematics
Friday January 13th - Grades 6-8 Science

For all students entering Kindergarten.
Students in Mrs. Rodriguez's Class PK-1 entering Kindergarten along with:
Students in:
Mrs. Rodriguez's Class
Mrs. Gonzalez's Class
MRs Hernandez's Class
Mrs. Serbones' Class
Scholarships are available for Kindergarten
Apply Now
for more information please see Alba in the school office.
There is also a link on the school website of www.olqmnyc.org
New Students entering Grades 1-8 also should apply at this time.
Scholarships are also available.
The Tuition Rates for the 2023-2024 School Year will be sent home on Tuesday January 3, 2023
Handbook Update - Cell Phone Policy
The cell phone policy this past week has now been updated to include the after school program because of misuse of cell phones by a number of students.
Parents are notified that they should weekly have their child open their cell phone and the PARENT should scroll through the child's photo album on the phone.
Parents should also once a week check the child's phone for websites that the child has visited in the past week.
TikTok is NOT appropriate!
A number of children this past week were sharing "inappropriate" pictures on their cell phones and were in chat rooms that were also inappropriate.
While all these sites have been blocked by the school's sonic wall -- students have turned off the school's internet access on their phones and are using 5G on their phones to access inappropriate websites.
Please read the Parents Handbook that you received in September.
Should you wish to have another copy please see Alba or
Mr. Guzman in the school office.
Teacher's e-mail Addresses
Mrs. Zogka - Educational Director Pre K For All Program - mrszogka@olqmnyc.org
Mr. Woods/Mr. Guzman’s e-mail - olqm1@aol.com
Mr. Woods does not read e-mail for the olqmnyc.org address --it is solely used for the tracking of student work on Google Classroom by Mr. Woods

Office Hours with Mr. Woods
A reminder that Mr. Woods meets with parents on Sundays
from 11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM