Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of January 27, 2013

January 26 - February 11, 2014 is Catholic Schools Week
In celebration the following activities will be taking place:

Monday - January 27th Open House 9:00 AM -11:00 AM
Parents may visit their child's classroom and observe the everyday teaching and learning.

Tuesday - Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
Mass at 9:00 AM led by the students of the third grade.
Parents Welcome to attend.

Thursday - Report Card Day.
Fr. Antonio will distribute report cards to students.
Early Dismissal Day 12:00 noon
Parent Teacher Conferences 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Alan will be in library to assist parents with passwords for Cornerstone Student Information System.
This will be the only day for assistance with the Student Information System until March.
Mr. Woods will be in the library for any parent with questions.
As a reminder Tuition must be up to date for your child to receive their report card.

Friday - Speech Contest Grades 5-8
SuperKids Dress Up Day Contest Grades PK, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade 2:00 PM

Re-Registration for 2014-2015
Beginning February 3rd re-registration forms for the 2014-2015 school year will be available in the tuition office.
The re-registration form needs to be filled out in the office and SMART tuition will then bill you the re-registration fee of $100.00.
The tuition rate for the 2014-2015 will not be determined until the first week of March after the Board of Directors has met regarding the school budget.
Mr. Woods will keep parents informed when he is notified.
Re-Registration forms are due by February 28th.
If your child is not returning please let Mrs. Resto know so that we will inform SMART Tuition.

Interim Assessment Number 3
The final Interim Assessment for students in Grades K-8 will be administered the week of February 10th.
More information will be posted as the week approaches.
As of today the Archdiocese has decided not to release the grades on these assessments until they are fully reviewed.

Sacramental Program
Parents are reminded that students are required to attend classes and Mass as listed on the schedule that was given during sacramental registration.
More than 3 absences places the child on probation and further absences after that will result in Mr. Woods asking the parent to re-think the commitment of sacraments for this year.
Confirmation Class Sunday - February 2, 2014 at 12:00 noon. Mass for all students at 1:00 PM.
Confirmation students - Sponsor Certificate are due.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Communication from The Superintendent of Schools Office

From the Desk of the Superintendent of Schools:

Information About Common Core for Parents

Fact Sheet #1

As you know, the 2012-13 academic year began a significant change for students across the country with the implementation of the new Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). That educational initiative, which continues this year and has been adopted by the Archdiocese of New York, has generated misconceptions about the purpose and application of those standards.
This newsletter, the first of a series of communications on the CCLS, is offered to provide our parents with
up-to-date, accurate information regarding how the CCLS are impacting Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York.

1. Why are the CCLS important?
High standards across states will provide teachers, parents and students with a set of clear expectations that are aligned to the expectations of colleges and careers. No matter where students live, they will be provided with knowledge and skills necessary to compete with their peers across the U.S.A. and internationally.
2. What guidance do the CCLS provide to teachers?
They set clear goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics at each grade level in order to be prepared for college and careers. It is important to make the distinction: the CCLS is a set of standards; it is not a curriculum. These standards outline broad proficiency goals for students. They do not dictate how teachers teach, but rather what content and skills students should master by the end of each grade level.
Teachers will continue to follow the Archdiocesan-approved curriculum and create lesson plans and craft instruction to the individual needs of their own students.
3. Do the CCLS mandate what textbooks and resources teachers should use?
No. This is not accurate. Catholic schools are not required to use any of the texts or other resources included in the Common Core ELA appendix. Rather, the Archdiocese has equipped our teachers with our own set of resources that are on the same level of complexity, yet ensure age appropriateness and a respect for our Catholic identity. This was done because, while the majority of resources in the Common Core ELA appendix are valuable, there have been examples found in that document we believe are not appropriate for our students. It is worth noting, the CCLS have been adopted by more than 106 dioceses across the nation and endorsed by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA).
4. By what criteria were these CCLS developed?
A large body of evidence exists, including scholarly research such as the Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS), as well as surveys of student skills needed in the workplace, that concludes the traditional math and ELA curriculum should now reflect international benchmarks. These benchmarks are more literacy-focused to improve student achievement, particularly in the content areas of critical thinking and analysis, writing, speaking, listening and understanding of mathematical concepts.
5. Why are there standards for only ELA and Math?
These two subject areas are the ones that contain the basic skill sets used in all other subject areas. The remaining subjects will be included in the CCLS over the next several years.
6. Has the implementation of the CCLS been challenging?
Yes. While the Archdiocese continues to endorse the merits of the CCLS, the timeline for implementation has been challenging, to say the least. Learning those standards, equipping teachers with sufficient resources (current textbooks are not aligned to the CCLS) and the level of difficulty of the year-end state tests, has created frustration and tension with this initiative. Those issues are being addressed, as we continue to move forward with the implementation of the CCLS.

Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Del Superintendente de Escuelas:

Hoja informativa #1

Información a los padres sobre los Estándares de Aprendizaje Básico Comunes
Como ustedes saben, a partir del año académico 2012-13 comenzó un cambio significativo para los alumnos de todo el país con la implementación de los nuevos Estándares de Aprendizaje Básico Comunes (CCLS, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta iniciativa educativa, adoptada por la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York y que continúa este año, ha generado una idea equivocada sobre el propósito y la aplicación de dichos estándares.
Esta circular, la primera de una serie de comunicaciones sobre los CCLS, tiene por objeto proporcionarles a nuestros padres información actualizada y correcta sobre el impacto que están teniendo los CCLS sobre las escuelas católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York.
1. ¿Por qué son importantes los CCLS?
Los altos estándares de todos los estados ofrecerán a los maestros, los padres y los alumnos un conjunto de expectativas claras alineadas a las expectativas de las universidades y las carreras. Independientemente del lugar donde cada uno viva, todos los alumnos recibirán los conocimientos y las habilidades necesarios para competir con sus pares tanto en los Estados Unidos como a nivel internacional.
2. ¿Cuál es la guía que los CCLS ofrecen a los maestros?
Los CCLS fijan metas y expectativas claras respecto de los conocimientos y las habilidades que necesitan tener los alumnos en Artes del Lenguaje (Inglés) (ELA) y Matemáticas en cada nivel de grado a fin de estar preparados para la universidad y las distintas carreras. Es importante distinguir que los CCLS son un conjunto de estándares y no un currículo. Estos estándares delinean metas de destreza generales para los alumnos. No indican cómo deben enseñar los maestros, sino qué contenidos y habilidades deben dominar los alumnos al finalizar cada nivel de grado. Los maestros seguirán fieles al currículo aprobado por la Arquidiócesis y planificarán las lecciones y moldearán la instrucción de acuerdo con las necesidades individuales de sus propios alumnos.
3. ¿Exigen los CCLS el uso de determinados libros de texto y recursos?
No, no es así. A las escuelas católicas no se les exige el uso de ninguno de los textos u otros recursos incluidos en el apéndice del documento Estándares de Aprendizaje Básico Comunes para ELA. Más aún, como Arquidiócesis, hemos provisto a los maestros de nuestro propio grupo de recursos, que no solo están en el mismo nivel de complejidad que el de otro tipo de escuelas, sino que además garantizan la adecuación a la edad y el respeto por nuestra identidad católica. Y lo hicimos porque, si bien la mayoría de los recursos del apéndice de Estándares de Aprendizaje Básico Comunes para ELA son valiosos, han surgido ejemplos de dicho documento que, en nuestra opinión, no son adecuados para nuestros alumnos. Cabe señalar que los CCLS han sido adoptados por más de 106 diócesis de toda la nación y avalados por la Asociación Nacional de Educación Católica (NCEA, por sus siglas en inglés).
4. ¿Cuáles fueron los criterios para el desarrollo de estos CCLS?
Existe un gran número de pruebas, entre ellas, investigaciones especializadas tales como el Estudio Internacional de Tendencias en Matemáticas y Ciencias (TIMSS, por sus siglas en inglés), además de encuestas sobre las habilidades que necesita el alumno para su desempeño en el trabajo, por las cuales llegamos a la conclusión de que los contenidos curriculares tradicionales de matemáticas y ELA deberían ajustarse ahora a niveles de referencia internacionales. Estos niveles de referencia están más enfocados en la alfabetización, para mejorar así los logros del alumno, particularmente en las áreas de contenido de pensamiento crítico y análisis, escritura, articulación del habla, comprensión auditiva y comprensión de conceptos matemáticos.
5. ¿Por qué hay solo estándares para ELA y Matemáticas?
Estas dos materias son las únicas que contienen los conjuntos de habilidades básicas utilizados en todas las otras materias. Las restantes materias serán incluidas en los CCLS en los próximos años.
6. ¿Ha sido difícil implementar los CCLS?
Sí. Si bien la Arquidiócesis continúa avalando las cualidades y ventajas de los CCLS, su implementación ha sido, cuando menos, todo un desafío. Aprender los estándares, proveer a los maestros de recursos suficientes (los libros de texto actuales no están alineados a los CCLS) y enfrentar el nivel de dificultad de las pruebas estatales de fin de año, todo ello ha generado sentimientos de frustración y tensión en esta iniciativa. A medida que avanzamos en la implementación de los CCLS, también nos ocupamos de estas cuestiones.

Timothy J. McNiff, Ed.D. (Doctor en Educación)
Superintendente de Escuelas de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week of January 13, 2014 Announcements

Letter From Superintendent Of Schools Office Regarding Tuition

If you have any questions please see Mr. Woods.

1011 First Avenue,
New York, New York 10022
Phone: (212) 371-1000 Fax: (212) 758-3018

January 9, 2014

Dear Parents,

The main goal in developing our newly organized Regionalized school system was to create financial stability for the schools of Archdiocese of New York and to ensure their long-term viability and growth. To date, I am very pleased with the improvements already realized due to our regional plan. In order for schools to meet a balanced budget however, they must still collect tuition payments from families in a timely manner. As stated in the 2013-14 Parent Student Handbook, "your school's expectation at the time of registration is that all tuition and fees will be paid on time. Failure to do so could result in the suspension of a child for delinquent tuition or fees. " With the conclusion of the first semester, there are some families that have not remained current with their tuition obligations. It is essential to the financial health of your school community that all families fulfill their commitment to submit timely tuition payments.

From September - December 2013, families who were 30 days late on tuition received notification letters from SMART tuition; the 30-day notification policy will continue. However, effective January 1, 2014, families who are delinquent 60 days on tuition will receive a second letter; this letter will come from their principal. Upon receipt of this notification, parents/guardians are asked to contact their principal to discuss a tuition payment plan. If a parent/guardian does not contact the principal within two weeks of receiving the letter, the child/children may not be permitted to attend school.

I lament having to write a 'tuition collection' letter to our parents at this time, but truly thank you in advance for your cooperation and adherence to our tuition policy.
If you have any questions, please contact your principal.

Timothy J. McNiff
Superintendent of Schools

CC :
Msgr. Greg Mustaciuolo
Regional Superintendents
Business Managers
Kathleen Doran

Federal Tax ID Number
Many parents need the schools tax ID for filing taxes- especially PreK students and students who are in the After School Program.
New Number - 46-3252482
Name - Catholic School region of Manhattan
d/b/a Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School

Early Dismissal - Friday January 17, 2014 11:00 AM
Active Shooter Workshop for Teachers

All Manhattan Catholic School teachers will be attending a workshop required by NYS Education Law on strategies regarding a shooter in a school building.

Mid Year Exams
Mid Year exams will be administered this week all children in grades 1-8
Monday - Writing in the Content Area
Tuesday - Mathematics and Social Studies
Wednesday - ELA (English Language Arts) and Reading
Thursday- Science and Religion
students who are absent will be given makeups on Friday January 17th or Tuesday January 21st.

Monday - January 13th
MOY Exams Writing in the Content Area

Tuesday - January 14th
MOY Exams Mathematics and Social Studies

Wednesday- January 15th
MOY Exams in ELA and Reading
Math Coach will work with students in grades 4, 6 & 8

Thursday - January 16th
Tuition - Last day to ask Mr. Woods for an extension for January's payment.
e-mail Mr. Woods at or see him in the morning.
MOY Exams in Science and Religion
Reading Coach will work with students today.

Friday- January 17th
Happy Birthday Mr. Guzman
Early Dismissal Day 11:00 AM
Faculty Workshop
Reminder tuition is due to Smart Tuition by the 20th.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Week of January 6, 2014 Announcements

Happy New Year.

New Music Teacher Grades PreK, K and 1
We welcome Ms. Camille the new music teachers for students in grades
PreK, Kindergarten and First Grade.
Ms. Camille will be working with students on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Mid Year Exams - MOY Exams
The Mid Year exams will be administered the week of January 13th.
The Mid Year Exams will cover material since September and the mark
will be placed on the report card. The Mid Year exam is a cumulative exam
and as such is more extensive and difficult - parents are urged to
make sure their child is studying this week.
The MOY mark will be averaged in with the End of Year exam by the
Cornerstone SIS System. As per the guidelines of the Archdiocese the
Mid Year and End of Year Exam are counted as 15% of a child's grade for the

Progress Reports - Friday January 10, 2014
Progress reports will be distributed to EVERY child on Friday January 10th.
Please check your child's book bag. An IRIS Alert will be sent out indicating
that the report has been distributed and sent home.
Should you have questions regarding a mark please call Alba to schedule an
appointment with that specific teacher for that mark. As a reminder
Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday, January 30th from 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

Candy Bars for Fund Raising
Candy Bars are still available in the office to assist parents in their fund raising requirements.
There are only 40 boxes left and there will be no re-ordering after the 40 are gone.
Please pick up you boxes early.
Fund Raising money is due by April 15, 2014.

Monday January 6, 2014
School Resumes
Unit III Week 4
Students will receive Calendar and Map of the Month today.

Tuesday January 7, 2014
Students in Grades 3, 4, 5 and 8 will be having gym classes today and should wear their gym clothes.
Math coach will work with students and teachers today.

Wednesday January 8, 2014
Happy Birthday Ransel
Math coach will work with students and teachers today.

Thursday January 9, 2014
Tuition reminder - if a parent needs an extension the office MUST be notified before the 20th of the month - email Mr. Woods at or see Mrs. Resto in the tuition office. Otherwise late fees
cannot be waived.

Friday January 10, 2014

Faculty Meeting
Progress Reports will be sent home today with all children.

Sunday January 11, 2014
12:00 noon - Communion Class
1:00 PM - Mass for all students in sacramental program.