Halloween Thank You
A thank you to all the parents who joined us on Halloween and made the annual parade a good time for the students of PreK and Kindergarten.
November is Canned Food Collection Month
Canned Foods will be collected during November for distribution for the home-bound. OLQM partners with St. Patrick's Nursing Home to assist those who are home-bound during Thanksgiving.
Module I Assessments
The New York State CCSS Module I ends this week. Teachers will be administering end of Module assessments to students during the week of November 9th. Please make sure that your child has gathered all their materials together for the module so that they may be well prepared for the assessments next week.
Achieve 3000
Mr. Woods was sent a preview of student engagement on Achieve 3000 during their class time and after school and on weekends. Many students are not using the program on the weekends or after school to assist them in raisking their Lexile Level. Parents who may need assistance in directing their child though Achieve 3000 may see the Acheive 3000 coach during Report Card distribution on November 20th.
Smart Tuition
A reminder that tuition payments are due on the 15th of each month. Parents needing an extension should see Mr. Woods on Sundays from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM or see Alan during the day from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Tuition must be up to date for a child to receive their report card on November 20th. Mr. Woods will be meeting with parents who have an outstanding balance on Sunday November 15th so that he may prepare a report for the new Board of Trustees for the Manhattan Regional Schools.
Monday November 2, 2015 All Souls Day
CCSS Module I Week 8
November calendars will be sent home today.
Tuesday November 3, 2015 Election Day
Wednesday November 4, 2015
Anti-bullying curriculum will be covered today. As mentioned in Dr. McNiff's newsletter sent home last week parents may view the anti-bullying curriculum on the Build Bold Futures website.
Thursday November 5, 2015
Have you checked you child's notebooks and the teacher's blog this week?
Friday November 6, 2015
Early Dismissal Day- 12:00 noon
Faculty Meeting
Achieve 3000 staff will meet with teachers today to review students progress.
TACHS test for 98th grade students.
Sunday November 8, 2015
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students
School office will be closed today.