Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020 updates

Parent Access
Mr. Guzman is still in the process of checking all accounts on the Educate Student Information System.
Hopefully access will be opened up next week.
 As soon as all accounts have been checked the system will be opened.

Monday May 11, 2020
12:00 noon
Faculty Meeting

There will be a faculty meeting on Monday May 11th.
Classes will end at 12:00 noon for all grades.

After School Program Fees

After School Program fees have been removed for the remainder of the year from all accounts. Should it still be on your account please e-mail Mr. Woods at so that he may forward the e-mail to Smart Tuition.

ZOOM Classes
Mr. Woods in his daily meetings with the faculty has listened to a number of issues that have arisen with Zoom on-line learning:

1. Students are to have their video on so that they can directly communicate with their teacher during Zoom instruction. They should be able to see their teacher and their teacher should be able to see them.

2. Students should not have background TV's, or other noise making machines on during the class. It is a distraction to the rest of the class and their teacher.

3. Students should have a polo shirt or a colored t-shirt on during class.  Undershirts or students with no shirts on is not acceptable.

4. Students for best focus should be sitting at a desk if possible or the kitchen table. Students learning while they are in bed or slouched on the couch is not conducive to learning.

5. All in all it must be remembered that the rules an regulations found in the Parent Student Handbook are applicable to the on-line learning platform of Zoom.