Our Lady Queen School named as banner school for
Edgenuity program
Imagine Learning Recognizes Top Schools in 2022
Imagine Nation School of Excellence Awards Annual Awards Celebrate Innovation, Dedication, and Exemplary Usage of Imagine Learning Digital Solutions Scottsdale, AZ:
May 5, 2022 – Imagine Learning, the largest provider of digital curriculum solutions in the U.S., serving 10 million students in more than half the school districts nationwide, today announced the winners of the 2021-22 Imagine Nation Awards, honoring schools across America for their exceptional use of Imagine Learning solutions.
The Imagine Nation Awards are part of the Imagine Learning motivational program, igniting engagement and strengthening confidence for all learners.
More than 21,000 schools throughout the U.S. were eligible for the Imagine Nation School of Excellence Award. “The most rewarding part of our work is collaborating with educators to create solutions that better empower them and improve student outcomes,” said Sari Factor, Vice Chair and Chief Strategy Officer. “Schools across the country have worked hard to achieve greater learning among their students this year and we’re honored to provide innovative solutions that have helped them accomplish their goals.”
Imagine Learning uses multiple measures, including usage and implementation data, to designate top schools for the Imagine Nation Awards.
The Imagine Nation School of Excellence Award is presented to schools that demonstrate outstanding commitment to effective implementation of an Imagine Learning program throughout the year.
Based on rigorous research, Imagine Learning has found that meeting program usage and implementation goals is directly associated with increased student success and academic growth.
Today, 280 schools are receiving the honor of being named an Imagine Nation school for the 2021-2022 school year. Following official notification of the Imagine Nation Awards, each winning school will receive an Imagine Learning banner that displays their achievement.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Elementary of
Archdiocese of New York Catholic Schools, NY
May 2022 Calendar
5/16/22- Full Moon
Confirmation letters due -- 8th grade
Please check your tuition account on Smart Tuition
Tuition Suspension Day - Monday June 6th
5/17/22- NWEA MAP Reading Grades K-8 9:00 AM
5/18/22- Wednesday
Science Coach will work with teachers and students.
GYM Class Day - students wear gym clothes
5/19/22- NWEA MAP Math Grades K-8 9:00 AM
5/20/22 - Early Dismissal Day 12:00 noon - Scoring of NYSESLAT
PreK Program dismissal at 3:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation 10:00 AM
Leonardo & Jose Luis
Students in Communion Class
Students in Confirmation Class
All students in Dress up Clothes
Progress Reports sent home - Grades 1-8
5/22/22 - Sacrament of First Holy Communion 1:00 PM Mass
5/23/22 - NWEA MAP makeup day
5/24/22- NWEA MAP Makeup Day
5/25/22- Feast of St. Madeline Sophie Barat
Sacrament of Confirmation 11:00 AM
Bishop Joseph Espaillat
Parents Welcome
5/26/22 - School Closed - Religion Conference Day
All Classes and ALL Grades
5/29/22 - Holiday Weekend - students attend Mass with parents
5/30/22 - Memorial Day -- School Closed
5/31/22 - Feast of the Visitation
End of Year Exams
NYS Science Written Test Grades 4 & 8 - June 6th
June 8th
NYS Science Performance Test Grades 4 and 8
Math 6 & 7
Archdiocese of New York Religion Test Grades 3-8 - June 7th
Grades 6-8 Reading and Social Studies - June 9th
Grades 6-8 Math - June 14th
Grades 6 & 7 Science; Math 8 - June 14th
Tuition Suspension Day
Monday June 6, 2022
All tuition for 2021-2022 School Due
Please check your Smart Tuition Account
Teacher's e-mail Addresses
Mrs. Rodriguez – PK-1 msrodriguez@olqmnyc.org
Mrs. Gonzalez – PK-2 mrsgonzalez@olqmnyc.org
Mrs. Serbones – PK-3 xiomaraserbones@olqmnyc.org
Mr. Taraza – PK-4 mrtaraza@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Sanchez – PK-5 misssanchez@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Colon – PK-6 marthacolon@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Wasseem PK-7 mswaseem@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Ocasio - Kindergarten msocasio@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Saville – Grade 1 mssaville@olqmnyc.org
Mrs. Toscano – Grade 2 mstoscano@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Wong – Grade 3 mswong@olqmnyc.org
Mr. Bonilla -Grade 4 MrBonilla@olqmnyc.org `
Ms. Micic- Grade 5 missalma@olqmnyc.org
Mr. Montas – Grade 6 mrmontas@olqmnyc.org
Ms. Slocum- Grade 7 msslocum@olqmnyc.org