Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week of September 18, 2017

MAP Testing 
MAP testing begins this week for all students in grades K-8. 
MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing will be administered three times within the school year. Now, in January and then again in May. These tests will enable parents and teachers to access their child's academic growth throughout the school year. 
All tests are computer generated and scores will be available with 48 hours of testing.  Parent reports will be sent home with students at the end of each cycle of testing.  The report will indicate the child's strengths and also the areas in need of remediation or added instruction. 
The two data days that are listed on the yearly calendar will address strategies that can be incorporated to assist teachers in raising the bar for student success. Parents who have questions regarding the MAP testing may address their concerns to the classroom teacher or see Mr. Woods on Sundays.

After School Program 
The final day for registration for the After School Program is 
Monday September 18th. 
Staffing of the program must be submitted to the regional board of directors. Parents who wish to use the program for half days do not need to formally register. A reminder that the price for a 
half day use of the After School Program is $20.00.

Chocolate Bars 
Chocolate Bars are available in the office to assist parents in their fund raising requirements. Each box contains 60 bars and the money for each box (money order/check preferred) should be returned to Mrs. Resto in the tuition office. Parents who do not wish to sell candy bars may pay Smart Tuition directly through their account. 
Parents need to remember that this is an either/or decision. 
Either parents sell candy bars OR they pay Smart Tuition the fund raising fee. 
The programming of Smart Tuition this year does not permit a split decision as was done in year's past.

Parent Signature Page Packet 
Parents will be contacted this week regarding the return of the Parent Signature Packet that they received at the opening meeting or was sent home with your child on the first day of school. In order to receive funding for text books/blended learning/classroom coaches/chrome books we are in need of all the materials to be returned.

 Registration for Sacramental Program
Registration for the sacramental program will be held on Sunday September 24th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
The program is open for students who have not received Baptism, students in 2nd grade for the sacrament of Reconciliation, students in 3rd grade for First Holy Communion and students in 7th and 8th grades for the sacrament of Confirmation. 
Requirement of the program is attendance at the 1:00 PM Mass with Mr. Woods. Any questions regarding the program may be directed to Mr. Woods on Sundays.

EDUCATE - Student Information System
Parent access for the Educate Student information System will be opened on Tuesday.  Parents may request access for the system by emailing Mr. Woods at
Parents may also come in on Sundays and see Brianna and she will give them their login and password information.  
No passwords etc. will be given out during the week only via e-mail or on Sundays.
Students in grades 4-8 will also be given their own login and password during this week.
It is important that parents keep abreast of their child's progress on a weekly basis regarding completion of homework/projects and test scores. Should parents see a problem then an appointment should be made with the teacher of that subject.
Parents should not wait until Report Card Night to say 
"Wow...I didn't know my child was failing?"

New York State Tests Results
Students who were enrolled here at OLQM last year in grades 5-8 will be receiving a copy of their NYS tests results in Mathematics. ELA (English Language Arts) and Science. 
Should parents have concerns regarding the results they should see their child's teacher or may see Mr. Woods in the office. As a reminder NYS tests are one facet of your child's academic ability. These tests coupled with your child's everyday academic progression along with MAP results will assist the teacher and you the parent in improving long term academic success. 

Monday September 18, 2017
Last Day for Registration for the After School Program 
MAP Testing Mathematics Grades 1, 5, 6, 7, & 8 
Building Blocks Coach will work with students in the 
PreK For All Program.

Tuesday September 19, 2017 
School is Closed - 
Archdiocese of New York Conference Day for teachers.

Wednesday September 20, 2017 
Anti-bullying curriculum will be covered by teachers during Religion class.
MAP testing Grades 5 & 6 - ELA
MAP Testing Grades 1,2 & 3 - Reading 

Thursday September 21, 2017                                                        Feast of St. Matthew, the evangelist 
MAP testing - Kindergarten Reading 
Map Testing Grades 2, 3 & 4 - Mathematics

Friday September 22, 2017 - Autumn begins 
Class Picture Day - students are to be in full dress uniform. 
MAP testing Grades 4 & 5 - Reading 
PreK For All Social Worker will be working with students today.