Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week of October 30, 2017 Announcements

Research shows that parents can have a powerful impact on their childrens’ mindsets. The language you use and the actions you take show your children what you expect. Giving process praise, talking about the brain, accepting mistakes as learning opportunities, and understanding the role of emotions in learning are all practices you can begin today.

Say This, Not That

The way we praise our children can have a profound impact on their mindset. Research on praise and mindsets shows that when we praise children for being smart, it promotes a fixed mindset. It sends a message that their accomplishments are trait-based, and tied to something innate. In contrast, praising kids for working hard promotes a growth mindset. It sends a message that the child’s effort is what led them to success. Want more tips on what to say, and what not to say, when praising your kids? Say This, Not That!
Click on this link:

Talk About the Brain

The brain is far more malleable than we once thought. Teaching our kids that they actually have control over growing their brains through the actions they take is empowering! Tell your children that when they work hard, that’s the feeling of their neurons connecting. The dendrites are reaching out to other dendrites, trying to connect to make a stronger brain. What strengthens those connections is practice, asking questions, and actively participating in learning. When children learn that their brains physically change with effort, it leads to increased motivation and achievement. Show your kids this Brain Animation video to explain! 

Accept Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

One of the best ways you can model a growth mindset is to speak candidly about the mistakes you’ve made, and what you’ve learned from them. Speak positively about your mistakes and struggles, and this will show your children that taking risks and making mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Explain to your children that trying hard things is what helps us grow, and you can’t be perfect when you try something hard!

Understand the Role of Emotions in Learning

When we get angry, scared, or feel threatened, our fight or flight response is activated. This can happen anytime, whether we’re scared of a spider or scared of math! Our brains are wired to protect us when we feel threatened, and stress symptoms such as sweating, stomach cramps, and your mind going blank are completely normal. There are strategies we can use when the fight or flight response tries to take over, to help us learn. One of those strategies is called Square Breathing and it helps to break down the adrenaline that is flooding the bloodstream and preventing learning from occurring.

Monday October 30, 2017
Please check with your child's teacher regarding Halloween 
November calendars will be sent home with your child today. 

Tuesday October 31, 2017 Halloween 
Halloween Parade - 8:30 AM PreK and Kindergarten classes 
Costume Contest 1:00 PM - Grades PreK, K and 1
                             2:00 PM - Grades 2-8 

Wednesday November 1, 2017 Feast of All Saints 
Mass at 9:00 AM led by the students of the 4th grade 

Thursday November 2, 2017 - Feast of All Souls 
Picture Money envelope due to Mrs. Resto in the tuition office.

Friday November 3, 2017 Feast of St. Martin de Porres 
TACHS exam for students in 8th grade 
Students not taking the exam are required to be in school.
PreK For All Coach will work with students. 

Saturday - November 4, 2017                                                Feast of St. Charles Borromeo 
Daylight Savings Time ends - turn clocks back one hour

Sunday - November 5, 2017
Mass at 1:00 PM for all students in the sacramental program
Living Environment Class 

Picture Gallery

To view pictures of activities that your child has participated in go to school website of

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click media gallery 
click photo gallery
link will be for Flickr (pictures)