Tuesday, September 8, 2020

School Opens September 9, 2020


School Opens 
Wednesday September 9, 2020 

Students attending in Person
7:45 AM Church doors opens
There will be a table to check in before going up the staircase.
Social Distancing must be practiced as walking up the stairs.
Children are to be left off at the door.
No parents/guardians are permitted past the door.

Students will have their temperature taken by either
 Eric or Mrs. DeLuna.

ALL PreK students are to arrive at 9:00 AM

Students remotely attending.
Students are to be on Zoom as instructed by teachers through their Google Classroom beginning at 8:00 AM.
Attendance will be taken at 8:00 AM
Students are to be wearing a polo shirt and sitting upright at a table or desk .
Students must remain on Zoom for the day from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Teachers will instruct students at home when there will be a break where they can move away from their computer for lunch etc.
Parents will be called when students are not following protocol during the day.

Times and Locations
A reminder that parents are not permitted to come into school early to pick up their child.
Parents are also not permitted into building after dismissal.
If student has appointment then the child should stay home and log onto Zoom for the day.
Students will be lined up on stairs or outside the building. Parents are to wait until the teacher calls them to retrieve their child.

3:00 PM Dismissal 
PreK-1- Mrs. Fundora - main office door.
PreK-2- Mrs. Rodriguez Sherman Avenue Door
PreK-3 - Mrs. Gonzalez Sherman Avenue Door
PreK-4 - Ms. McGarry Auditorium Door 
PreK-5 - Mrs. Schiller- Church Doors
PreK-6 -Ms. Sanchez- Sherman Avenue 
PreK-7 Ms. Gonzalez Church Doors
Kindergarten - will be dismissed from emergency door.

3:15 PM Dismissal 

First Grade - Sherman Avenue Door
Second Grade Church Steps
Third Grade - Church Steps
Fourth Grade - Church Steps
Fifth Grade - Sherman venue Doors
Sixth Grade- Sherman Avenue Doors
7th Grade - Church Steps
8th grade - Church Steps